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Anco Naturals Mega Deer Stick

Anco Naturals Mega Deer Stick

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Please note: Due to size, these can only be dispatched with Express, Large and Free delivery orders. Limited edition.

As dog owners we want what's best for our furry friends right? One way to do that is provide them with natural and healthy - yet still so delicious. Deer is packed with flavour and benefits, but as a single source protein, Deer is hypoallergenic so is kind to those with food sensitivities or common protein allergies. Due to the size, these are long-lasting and durable, even longer lasting that our Giant sticks! So what better choice for a dog that loves to chew? These Mega sticks provide your dog with entertainment for hours! In the tastiest way possible.

  • Air-dried
  • For dogs and puppies over 12 weeks old 
  • Contain Only 100% Deer 
  • 100% natural
  • Rich in vitamins and minerals
  • No Artificial Colourings, Fragrances, Flavours, Preservative, Additives or Gluten 

    Nutritional Analysis: Ash 1.10%, Fat 3.78%, Protein 46.80%